Focus on Digital Skills ‘Catered to Different Populations’ in Westchester, N.Y.

with Margaret Käufer of The STEM Alliance

Low-income community members can face multiple barriers to technology adoption, including lack of Internet, devices, and skills. Margaret Käufer, Chief Visionary Officer of The STEM Alliance, talks with Dara Brown at Net Inclusion 2024 in Philadelphia about the group’s work to promote digital equity in Westchester County, N.Y.

Kaufer notes a need to customize programs: “We really have to look at having programs that are catered to the different populations that are stuck in this digital divide. We have to have programs for seniors. We have to have programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. We have to have programs for students. There's no such thing as a digital native.”

Posted on:

March 29, 2024

Produced by: National Newsmakers Team

Brown: High-speed internet is critical to major life activities, such as work, school, and healthcare. Yet millions of Americans either don't have access to broadband or can't afford to pay for it. Hello. I'm Dara Brown. Joining me at the Net Inclusion 2024 Conference in Philadelphia is Meg Käufer. She's the Chief Visionary Officer of The STEM Alliance, an organization working to end digital inequality. Meg, thank you so much for being here today.

Käufer: Thank you so much. It's my pleasure.

Brown: So how does the digital divide affect lower-income students and their families? What have you seen so far?

Käufer: So, beyond students, all community members who are low-income cannot access free or affordable internet. They don't own devices and they lack the skills to use those tools. And so our organization comes alongside them and makes sure that they can connect to exactly that. I think you really have to look at the stories that are involved here. We served one individual who was an older person. She got a device from us, got the skills, got internet access. And it ended up saving her life because she was able to research a condition she was experiencing and get a second opinion.

Brown: So tell us more about your organization and what it is doing to affect community members?

Käufer: We have a digital navigator model. We have trained digital navigators who come alongside low-income community members and connect them to those digital resources. And again, you know, we were working in a particular building, we had a hub in a community, and we were seeing a lot of people coming in looking for devices. Well, we finally asked them, like where are you coming from? How did you find out about us? They were applying for a job where it was bring your own device. They could only get the job if they owned their own computer. These are real-life examples of how people are really being limited in their opportunities because of device access and skills.

Brown: So how is STEM Alliance really bridging this digital divide?

Käufer: So we basically make sure that if somebody needs a device, we give them device ownership. If somebody needs access to the internet, we can serve them with a hotspot or even finding free and low-cost programs that certain internet providers offer. And then, lastly, we have a 15-hour on-ramp tech education class for beginners.

Brown: So, Meg, what do you see as your organization's focus for the next year?

Käufer: I think we really have to look at having programs that are catered to the different populations that are stuck in this digital divide. We have to have programs for seniors. We have to have programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. We have to have programs for students. There's no such thing as a digital native. Our students need direct tech education. So we're modifying and making sure our curriculum is for everyone.

Brown: Meg Kaufer, thank you so much for joining us today.

Käufer: Thank you so much.

Brown: And thanks to you as well for watching. For more conversations about digital equity and broadband expansion, visit I'm Dara Brown. ♪♪ ♪♪

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